
By TeeJay

"Feed me Seymour, feed me"

This morning I went to Puzzling World which is quite an experience. It had been many years since I was there and it has changed a bit from being just a maze! Then we headed out to take a walk along part of Lake Wanaka but the path is flooded so we went to Lake Hawea instead. It's a pretty lake, in many ways prettier than Wanaka (though that is probably akin to heresy in some circles). Afterwards I took a walk in to Wanaka to do a bit of shopping.

I was wandering along the footpath in the centre of town when I heard a frantic screeching from a bird. Looking around to see if one had been run over I spotted this wee guy in a planter. He was hysterically flapping his wings and setting up a real racket and I was wondering what I could do to help him when Mum flew in with a mouth full of danish. That shut him up in a hurry. (better viewed large)

Happy New Year everyone. May 2011 bring happiness and achievement.

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