
By Fisherking

......go to Mr.Jellybean's..

Another Christmas present gone!

Today's been another damp, misty, miserable day.

The Boss went off to work and left me strict instructions to go to Asda and do a bit of shopping ready for the New Year.

As the Daughter and I left the window cleaner arrived. We got back, unpacked and were just settling down with a coffee (for me) and a tea (for her) when the door bell rang. A money ring if ever I heard one....and it was the window cleaner.
I paid up the £16.50 and settled back down ........when the door bell rang again. It was a delivery man with the cot for the forthcoming Grandchild. Apparently it's unlucky to have things like that in the house before the baby is born so the Boss has volunteered us to store it all!

We settled again....and the doorbell was the postman with a small parcel from the Boss's brother.........Christmas presents.

Eventually I got my cold coffee and settled down for the afternoon. The Daughter went to tidy her room, usually requires a never ending supply of black bin bags, a crane and several skips, but at least it gives us several hours of peace. Watched a really crappy film....(St Trinians II)....... and finished off the Jelly Beans.

The Boss got home and I told her I'd paid the window cleaner...she went slightly beserk...seems I should have only paid one lot (£5.50) not three. She got on the phone and sorted him out, he didn't offer to pay us back, just promised that January would be a free month.

The Daughter made a yummy lasagne for tea. Then the Son and Heir and Young Helen turned up to see the new cot and stayed for an hour or so. So now it's almost 9, there's nothing on TV worth watching........and we still haven't fixed anything for New Year's Eve. The party idea has waned slightly as several of our friends have already made arrangements with family.We must all be getting old...up to a couple of years ago it was huge drunken it's "Oh, just dropping in on Mum and Dad for a few hours".

Still, we'll see what D&V are up to....we might even go into Manchester for the evening!!! Wild , reckless things that we are.

Das vidanya.

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