....How much is that doggy.....

Quite a lot actually!

This is a Leonburger, bred to look similar to a lion....belongs to Shaun's sister.She brought him down to see us at the fishing hut this morning.

Not the day for it really.......yesterday's fierce wind is still with us and today it has been driving pulses of extremely heavy rain.....until now....now it's driving pulses of sleet!

A fence blew down across the road from us, we've seen several bins overturned and sliding into the road......and our garden is becoming waterlogged.Fortunately we live on top of a hill....but the river down in town must be getting close to breaching the banks.

The Boss and I went to the cinema this afternoon, was going to book online tickets, but there was a charge of £1.40 for doing so................so £12.40 would have turned into £13.80!!!!!!!!......the cinema was less than half full anyway......2 drinks and a large popcorn cost £9.65 on top....so more than £20 for a trip to the cinema!

We saw the latest Sherlock Holmes....and very good it was too....if you've seen the first one, go see this one, lots of in-jokes, including a pastiche of Two Mules for Sister Sarah......it's a good two hours.

It's time to batten down the hatches and get snuggled in for the evening.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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