Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto


Is this something we want to do? It's a lifestyle change, for sure. Some considerations....

a being "tied down" to a particular location (photographically)
b priority being guest relations rather than photography (in most cases)
c maintenance of several buildings
d expense of much higher mortgage
e finding the funds
f the rainy season
g the reputation of the B&B we're looking at is rather poor (service, not facility)
h isolation from other photographers/artists and friends on a daily basis
i the small town nearby probably doesn't offer much additional opportunity for gainful employment if we would need to get other jobs to supplement a slow period

Bonus points...

a being located in a beautiful part of the country with multitudes of opportunities
b being located in a beautiful part of the country basically surrounded by National Park
c having the opportunity to create a destination for artists of all types
d not much competition
e meeting new photographer and artist friends
f learning from guests
g having total control over the look and feel, service offerings and other aspects of the inn
h making people happy
i helping improve the economy of the region

The biggest hurdle is the financing. I think we can find a way to do it, but at this point that might just be my imagination hoping. I haven't created a very detailed business plan before, so this is also a new experience for me. Whether we go all the way in this venture or not, though, it will be a learning experience.

The chart is visitation numbers for the National Park. Gathering these materials is a little tougher than I anticipated, mostly due to the very rural nature of the area. Even though many people visit, especially during the summer, the keeping of records outside the National Park, and the availabilty of those numbers, is not kept in the open.

This book is the best of the 3 I found at the bookstore. It's chock full of detailed, honest and straightforward information, calculations, forms, etc. What's freaky about it, is one case study uses the exact price of the B&B we're looking at and in another case study the person's name they use is the same as mine (first and middle). I saw the cost case study while browsingthe bookstore, but saw the other once I got home and started reading.

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