Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Crunch II

The wife started her new job today. Yay! One monkey off our backs.

More ice photos from the refuge shot while documenting more dam repairs. The ice was more slushy today since it's warmer after a couple days of rain. Windy, too, so the ice was moving, making a not-quite-high-pitched-but-almost noise that sounded like "Scritch! Scritch! Scriiiitch!" Like, if you rubbed two edges of glass together with a bit of pressure. Those of you up north will be familiar with that sound I think, but this isn't as loud nor as fingernails-on-chalkboard sounding.

Tonight is our photo group board meeting and monthly meeting. December is our print exchange where members bring a matted print all wrapped up and pretty and we draw names to see who gets what. It's all random so you don't know who's print you're going to get. It's fun. New officers and board members are selected at the board meeting for next year. It's looking like I'll be president another year. Not a bad thing, really. I enjoy it and I think we're heading toward some real growth and opportunity in the near future.

We're looking into buying a bed and breakfast. It's an established inn with what looks to be good bookings and income and it's in a very nice area. We're thinking of turning it into a destination for artists (photographers, writers, poets, painters) for individual use as well as a destination for workshops. It's very near the coast and pretty much surrounded by National Park, with lots of opportunties for artists. Don't know if we'll get the funding, but you never know until you try.

I'm thinking of starting a description of the progress on my blog.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the model that was supposed to come out after Christmas isn't going to make it. So, no figure work until I find someone else.

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