Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Merry Christmas!

Hey, it's Christmas somewhere in the world right now.

So, why do we do it? Why do we have to rush out at the last minute to pick up those remaining ingredients for Christmas dinner or that last gift? While the holiday spirit resides in some folks, it's been long gone in others. Luckily, this was a quick mad dash for some foodstuffs, and it really wasn't that crowded, not nearly as much as I expected.

Blue sky, sunny day, when we were expecting what was called last night on the news a "dangerous snowstorm". Warning people who were traveling to leave early and so forth. This morning's paper carried this quote from the National Weather Service:

"There's a 100 percent change of a white Christmas", says NWS meteorologist George Skari. "I'm quite confident of that."

I was going to get a shot of the green grass and "clumps" of remaining snow for today's blip, but thought I'd wait until tomorrow.....just in case.

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