Merry Christmas

A moment of brief respite during present opening. Ben was bouncing off the ceiling even before he'd finished opening the presents in his stocking, let alone the pile under the tree - which we STILL haven't waded through.

Ben woke up this morning and announced that he was going to find grandma and grandad, so off he went - and woke them up! Ooops :) They didn't seem to mind though. Although I did overhear grandad saying that Ben was considerably heavier than the cats.

As I type, Steve is cooking dinner - a late one, as we had breakfast very late, mince pies and mulled wine during presents, and couldn't face more than soup and bits for lunch. Having grazed all afternoon I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have room for a dinner now! Oooh that reminds me, got to look up a recipe for a cream sauce for the pudding - didn't get any cream!! Ah well, got an excuse to use a bit of brandy in the sauce I suppose, such a shame eh ;)

Ben has loved his presents. He got the hang of opening them very quickly. Give tag to mummy to note down what it was and who it was from, rip paper off, say "wow!" and then "next one"....

A very merry Christmas to one and all. Thinking of those who are having firsts without somebody special this year. Different Christmases all over the place, but special and unique if you let them be I suppose, even if it is difficult.

Love you all, you lovely blippers :)

PS Here's some lovely pretty bokeh for you ;)

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