jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Boxing Day

What a lovely day.

This is Ben and his Grandma, drumming along to the Kodo One Earth Tour DVD that Grandma and Grandad gave him for Christmas. It has been quite the hit. Pun intended!

We crawled out of bed eventually and I discovered that my wonderful gorgeous mum had done all the Christmas Day washing up for me!! After a very very late breakfast we decided to go down to the beach for a walk. As we left the house (my word but it takes SUCH a long time to leave the house these days) Steve remembered that he'd not eaten breakfast, so stuffed his pockets with chocolates from the obligatory selection box he'd got for Christmas. Ben was on his shoulders so was unaware of the consumption of chocolate happening under his nose.

We had a lovely time on the beach. Ben got a bit scared of the big waves (they weren't very big, but big enough to a 2 year old) but enjoyed throwing rocks into the water. I got a beautiful picture of my favourite boys, but have discovered that apparently the reason I can't get my camera to do the starburst thingy that I like to get from high contrast sun shots is because it has a better iris. Or something like that. I also played around with the lo-80 ISO setting and got a rather pretty picture of the sea with that too. And I actually got a (rather Htichcock-esque) picture of the gulls too!

It was decided to go to a cafe for a warm before heading home so we called in at Costa and Ben was cute poking his head through all the holes in the backs of the seats, and he enjoyed sharing my drink.

Then we went hat shopping. Instead of going home. It was rather enjoyable except we did forget to go home, and ended up going home at gone 3.30pm feeling rather hungry as we'd only had a mini muffin each (Ben had had 3 to himself) to keep us going. Ben fell asleep on Steve in the middle of Debenhams and was transferred to the wrap, which kept me occupied and focussed rather than turning into a witch due to lack of food.

We had the most delicious bubble and squeak cooked by Steve, followed by a good long while of Kododrummin'. Then eventually Ben went to bed and I tried not to fall asleep, and when I got back down we cooked and lit the Christmas Pudding. And had particularly boozy homemade brandy cream sauce with it. Brandy IN the pudding, brandy ON the pudding, and brandy in the sauce. Gorgeous :)

Been difficult choosing a blip out of all that. I went with this one I think because it sums Ben up really. His obsession. Total utter obsession.

Edited to add - forgot to say I also managed to find The Duffel Coat which I am EXTREMELY happy about! Quite apart from the fact that it was half the cost of all the other ones I'd seen and taken back... And also found some particularly sexy boots with heels :) Happy happy happy!

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