jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Christmas Tree


We put the tree up last night and i decorated it after Ben went to bed. He wasn't too fussed about it this morning. Said it was pretty and all that, said hello to a few baubles, said the lights were hot (they're not), and got his drums out.

Been a manic day - apologies to Horrigans for missing her blipday!!! Left the house at 10.30am to get Ben's hair cut, go to the Pottery Cafe to pick up my tiles (will photographs them tomorrow), Ben fell asleep on the way back so we went the long way round to Steyning to get some veg, via the hardware store to get logs and coal, and Ben slept and slept. Then it was a quick dash home to change a nappy and then to drop Ben off at nursery for his final session and their Christmas Party!

Then for me the highlight of my day, off to the dentist to show her my swollen jaw and to ask her for antibiotics. As the pain is going down but the swelling is going up she said it's a good thing - in a way - the infection has killed the tooth on its way down into my gum. So when she has a poke around in the New Year it won't hurt. I suppose that's good news. In a way. Antibiotics started, at least I won't be in pain over Christmas!

Picked Ben up and met Steve there as well, apparently Ben had cried at meeting Santa (like proper cried, sobbing and shaking! Oh dear, will they ever learn - apparently most of the children apart from the eldest ones had cried quite badly...) but enjoyed the party food. He sang Jingle Bells all the way home. And when we got home - Grandma and Grandad had arrived! Ben was VERY excited.

Thank goodness I remembered to take some pictures this morning. Haven't been on the computer all day, so am feeling strange writing this as if it's today when it's actually tomorrow.

And now it's tomorrow :) Which is Christmas Eve!

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