Club 107

By club107

The sixth blip of Xmas - Subbuteo tournament

It has become a tradition with my friends to celebrate Christmas and meeting up in the shape of an annual Subbuteo tournament. The idea of this game being played by people who should simply know a bit better is probably what appeals to us and it is anything but sporting, old held grudges and bitter recriminations are given a dusting down and let out for a few hours of alcohol fuelled 'sporting' entertainment.

I have only ever won this tournament once, I am up against some very good players but this year I did worse than I expected. Played 5, won 2 lost 3. I'll be practising with number 1 son when he is old enough.

I decided to field a French 11, with a view to being able to re-enact their World Cup players strike should it all go wrong, which was the case. Tractors were deployed onto the pitch and held up proceedings for 10 minutes. It sadly did not prevent the inevitable.

It was however great to catch up with friends who I haven't seen for months or years.


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