
By spitzimixi

a day of performances....

after a desparately fast trip out to our German office to pick stuff up (with a longer than planned stop to get some things wot are cheaper in Germany than in Swissland for Father Christmas) I rushed to the primary school to see the first performance: a trip round the world in dance. It was very sweet, the girls danced good.
Spent the afternoon with 5 over excited kids in the house, which was lovely. I love having the house full and it just doesn't happen often enough!
This evening we first saw a play about a shepherd who lost a sheep only to find him lurking around a certain stable in Bethlehem (as husband muttered "that stable must've been bloody full by the end of Christmas!") The shepherd scolded his sheep suitably for its bad behaviour and then got the giggles, which got the audience laughing, which made him giggle even more, which made us laugh harder...the holiness of the moment didn't quite make it onto the stage but luckily the merriness of something much older made it a special moment of laughter and light in the middle of winter.
We dashed from young sheep to teenagers: the school choir and band (middle school? ages 12-16ish) with some solo performances. It was sweet, as only teenagers can be. Some real talent of many different kinds, some easier on the ears than others.
Now we're cream-crackered...only one day to go (the sheep has volunteered to go back to school in the afternoon even though she doesn't have to! she can't get enough! sadly, this means I can work longer than I had planned to....). Tomorrow the first of Christmas-like events will happen, the out laws are coming to eat cheese fondue...then it's hit the shops for late night shopping (Father Christmas really is useless this year!) and then Christmas Eve....yikes!

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