stripped bare

one lone fake-smartie left....which I've just eaten.

I dread to think how much sugar my children have consumed in the last 24 hours. I know that I've had too much!

Once, long ago, when I was learning to be a teacher, we did some work on the stories behind fairy tales. Hansel and Gretel was one of the stories we stripped bare. We looked at the stories from many perspectives. From one of these perspectives (I think it was the "dirty minded can see sex in anything" perspective or possibly "14 year old boy" perspective, which is basically the same thing just with more, horrible smelling, deodorant) anyway, as I was saying. We were asked to consider what it meant when it said that the Old Woman felt Hansel's bone every day to see if he was big enough to put in her oven. Well, since then, I have felt that Grimm's fairy tales are not only grim but are also totally unsuitable for children.

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