Family 6

By meganrose

Santa and The Sea Shell

There are some things you think you never imagined you would see.

The Dazzler stuck Father Christmas behind the toilet in our newly decorated understairs loo. There is a reindeer in there for good measure too. The room is tiny, as you would expect, and the kids love going in there to play, as you do.

Today, whilst I was marzipanning cakes I heard Farrah in there. She had taken a shell off the side and was telling F C that it was her 'special shell. but I will share it with you.' She then proceeded to listen to the shell and as it didn't make any noise stuck it on teddy's head as a hat. She has imagination, my baby.

I later tried for a cute picture of her and Rory by the tree. They are getting harder to photograph the more excited they become. So it's little boo on the loo today.

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