Family 6

By meganrose

The drive home

So we went to Kendal today. I off loaded the kids with Razzler who took them to his mum's house. I had a lovely lunch with my (Hungover) mum and dad in the most civilized manner. I then went about gathering a few last minute bits and pieces at leisure. The Dazzler picked me up a couple of hours later fraught and with a greater understanding as to why I wanted a couple of hours off....

During my indulgent 'me' time I forgot to Blip so I stuck my camera against the window on the way home and this was the result. We chased the moon for quite a long time, trying in vain to show you all how 'fuge' (Rory's way of saying huge) it was, but it was useless with my 'phone. So it's a funky, wobbly yet likeable grabbed Blip instead. Trying to picture the moon also resulted in some questions - 'Why does it keep foloowing us around?' From Rory. 'Why does it sometimes look massive and other times small?' from Callum and 'Why, when all the water evaporates into the clouds doesn't it freeze into a massive blcok and fall out of the sky' from Liam. Hmm, I best get swatting up quick smart!

First though, I'm off to decorate the marzipanned cakes.

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