jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Got mine right, obviously - blip before setting off!

Got a dressing gown and some fluffy towels for use as emergency blankets, got my mum and dad's old (but my favourite) flask full of hot chocolate just in case, got the tardis-fabia packed - somehow, I've got ALL the stuff we came with (minus a bag of vegetables), AND all the presents I came back with from Steve's parents, AND a couple of extra bags of presents that I just happened to pick up from the shops while I was here.

My car. I love my car. I asked it to be a bit of a tardis for me this morning (without the random time travelling bit) and it has willingly obliged.

I'm all ready to go, a whole hour before Steve thought I'd be ready. Quick drink, last minute wee, get Ben togged up and off we go. Slowly and carefully.

And I've got the address and phone number of one of mum's cousins who lives sort of en route in case we have to give up for the night and are anywhere near there.

See you all later, hopefully! And please, no mention of she-pees, dwnb....

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