Communication's last resort

"Mummy please lay off the wine at 4pm, it does give me the most awful wind..."

Sorry Charley. I should've come for you sooner rather than grab the camera but it was this or the snap I got of our tandem nursing chilled out snuggle on the sofa this afternoon!!

Steve has taken some beautiful pics of us recently. Have a look. And here. And his shots generally :)

Mornings are getting tough again - I've not made my physio contact yet and I really really need to. I am in so much pain overnight and in the morning particularly that getting out of bed is a massive hurdle. Joints are playing up big style. Once up though, we manage!

Steve's parents were here again this morning and I got them to look after Ben while I went out with Charley for the last of the Christmas shopping. We only set off an hour and a quarter later than I wanted but that's what you get when you have the worst night so far in terms of lack of sleep.

Tag teams.

Thanks boys.

2.15am I got to bed.

At least I got to sleep for a little while, as I'd actually got Ben back to sleep in his own bed (with Charley hanging off me at the time) - after hanging the laundry out with C in the wrap I unwrapped him finally, put the warm wrap down on his bed and laid him on it in a sort of nest, hoping he wouldn't just roll out. It would have been difficult to roll out of anyway. But he managed. The milk is evidently too much of a magnet for him because I woke up when he rolled into me!

Anyway bad night aside it's been a pretty good day. Got all the shopping done, got home and wrapped everything up in the fastest time ever thanks to C waking up and ramping up the volume on his boob demandingness as mum kindly held on to him while I wrapped! Sent a big box of presents back with them to manchester to be delivered to my parents to take to Norway with them when they go; and when mum and dad set off to go home Ben and Charley and I settled down for a big squashy chilled out relaxing milky cuddle on the sofa.

The appliances that we bought yesterday were due to be delivered today between 3 and 4pm but arrived eventually at 5.15pm. Not too bad. But it did mean that even if I had managed to write all the Christmas cards (which I still haven't) I'd've missed the last post to get them to their destinations before Christmas. That said, the ones that I really wanted to get posted were the ones to my parents because I didn't get them written in time to go up with the presents - but they would have arrived on Christmas Eve anyway, which would have been too late to go to Norway with them.

Hey ho.

Cards will arrive late from us, as usual!! It's rare for me to be organised with Christmas cards ;0)

Fridge freezer is now switched on and cooling, although I need to phone the shop to ask them to sort out the temperature dial and the power light. It's got 6 months warranty so that shouldn't be an issue.

Tumbledrier needs a power point - something else for Steve!

And now it's time for bed and I am glad :D I just hope that Ben doesn't wake up before Charley is settled...

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