jeni and the beans

By themessymama

The morning after...

It froze quite hard last night, down to -10.something according to dad's weather station thing. I left the balloon outside because I could, and it appears to have frozen sideways at some point. Looked rather pretty in the morning sunshine.

I have taken a total of 5 pictures today, all through the glass this morning, and that's been it! It was this or a picture of a snowy rooftop which I tried and tried to make interesting and failed. Have checked my phone to see if I took any on there and it would appear not since last night either. Ah well.

Thankyou to everyone who stopped by yesterday! It was a blip well executed and I was quite pleased with the result. I really was counting my blessings yesterday. Things could be worse. I could really be stuck in Manchester and be apart from Steve for Christmas but in the morning I am going to be brave and make sure that we have blankets and flasks of hot chocolate in the car with us just in case, and Ben and I are going to set off home. Only a day late.

It has meant that he will miss his last day at nursery, but he is going to the Christmas Party on Thursday so they will get a chance to say 'bye then instead.

Yesterday mum and I left Ben with my dad and took ourselves off for the afternoon to a rather lovely garden centre to look at the pretty things and generally spend some time together. We were very good girls and managed not to spend very much, and had a lovely afternoon out. Ben had a good time too, drumming with Grandad, and about halfway through the afternoon (well past naptime) he apparently suddenly realised I wasn't there for afternoon sleepiness and cried a bit. Fell asleep next to dad sobbing, but when he woke up, he announced that Ben wasn't crying anymore. Mummy home soon. And that was that! Dad says after that afternoon he's not sure whether he'd be able to cope for a whole weekend yet....

I ought to be packing and sorting and wrapping presents not blipping but, you know, priorities and all that... Normal service will hopefully be resumed on Tuesday when we are hopefully all back together again safe and sound.

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