Davids Photos

By davyatsea

What One Can Do Two Can-dle Better

Okay, I've not got any kind of posh studio, but I thought I would try a candle effect. Oliver is in bed sharp tonight as he's been a little bugger. Maybe he just needs a little more sleep. So I thought I would make the lunge just that little more cosy. Well its a cold night outside.

We had a little snow here today, but nothing too much to get excited about. We needed to go into town today, but we still had time for an impromptu snowball fight.

So - thats all the Christmas shopping done, car is full of petrol ready for the long drive north later on the week. All I need now is to take delivery of my specially adapted snowpough for the Focus. Well, if the weather reports are true to form, I might just need it on the M6 - if only!!

Back to reality. its Saturday night and my Emsie wants a cup of tea and a mince pie or something, and then a cosy night with a DVD. Sounds like heaven!!

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