Done & Dusted!

Spent most of this evening writing these pesky Christmas cards. As is my habit I keep last years and then write my cards as I go along. I only came across a couple from last year that flumoxed me either through not recognising the names due to bad writing or folks actually forgetting to sign them!
Then just when I think I have finished, himself comes in and says "did you write a card to so and so" and remeber to write to this person from my work (of which I have no clue who it is) and come to think of it why is it me that has to write all the bloody cards in the first place? If I remember it was my mother who wrote their cards too though it was my grandfather who wrote theirs as my grannie couldnt even write her own name despite being a very articulate woman!

A quick straw poll of some of my other married friends and yes its the women who write their cards too! hmmm perhaps men are more sneaky than I imagined!

Anyhows I hope you have written all your cards. I notice that young folks tend just to fire off emails and use Facebook so maybe in years to come there will be less cards flying around.

Im now off to have a dram and sit in front of my roaring fire as its darned cold out there. No snow yet though I passed a gritter today in blazing sunshine!

Have a snug blip evening all

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