Let it snow!

Due to my continued insomnia, last night I took two Valarian pills a while before I went to bed. Fat lot of good they did! It was 6am before I got to sleep, ended up finishing my book. Hate these periods of insomnia.
Woke up just before 8am and saw the beginnings of a nice sunrise so rushed out of bed, got dressed and ran down to the bottom of the road to take some pictures. Couldnt get it right, I knew what I wanted to take which was a bus passing so the sun shone through it. Where were all the darend busses? In the end Ithought I would opt for a lorry and they too were few and far between however I think my patience paid off!

There was a small flurry of snow to today (about 6 flakes) No sooner did they fall than I counted 6 yes 6 Cooncil lorries with snow plough (which was useless as there was bugger all snow to speak of, then 3 other smaller lorries passed throwing salt out THEN I met a bloke with a little snowplough thingy like a lawnmower!!! Where were all these guys two weeks agoe when we had two foot of the blessed white stuff? Boy must they be scared to have such activity with just a dusting of icing sugar. Lets hope they keep this up for the deluge of snaw everyone and their granny is predicting!

Off to the Post Office to do battle with the Amazon of a wuman behind the counter! She has no manners, doesnt know please and thank you and flings your change at you with such force you naturally duck! Wish me luck!

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