Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Icicle attack

This is a sad and yet uplifting story.

In the pic is the base of an 6 ft icicle which weighs about the same as a 2x2 slab. It's been brought round from the side of the house and positioned outside the patio doors.

I'd been having a competition with Nay to get the biggest icicle and last night this one and a few others were huge hanging at the side of the house. I ran out at around 10:30pm to bring in this trophy and show off but it broke off at the highest part, fell down and bashed all of my lower shin!

Later today I go to A&E to get it upbandaged and to get a row for not having an open wound dealt with sooner.

I was nearly a contender for the Darwin awards!

Thankyou to all of my facebook friends for their sympathies and sarcasm!

The support is the uplifting part. My leg hurts and I now hate icicles.

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