The Skype Diet!
A busy day starting with a visit to a local electrical store where we had a chat with a fellow Blipper! Hi Robert!!
After a trip into Stirling for lunch we headed to Falkirk with Ali who had to construct A Santa's Grotto for a youth group!
While preparing dinner tonight my cousin Skyped me from Canada. I thought she looked at me strangely and then realised why. I could see that the picture she was getting of me seemed slightly peculiar , as if I was looking into one of those distorted mirrors. I had a huge chin and had gained about 40 pounds.Then I remembered Andrew and Fiona had been Skyping a few days ago and there was great hilarity as Andrew changed the settings on Magic i.
They have now been returned to normal by the culprit but not before I surreptitiously snapped him on Skype experimenting.
I have now returned to my normal weight...the quickest diet ever, The Skype Diet!!!
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