It's just not good enough...

and therefore, the Snow Gods MUST TRY HARDER.

A sprinkling?

That's all they could muster?

Of course, being a quality teacher, I must provide much better feedback that that, so on the Snow Gods individual assessment record I have written:

"In order to improve, you must increase the quantity of snow that you produce in any given period of time. Specifically, overnight tonight, I would like to see at least 8 inches of snow. If you can produce this quantity, of good quality sticking snow, then you will have met your target. Try hard and you will succeed!"

There are fundamental problems with this of course.

The biggest one being that there are no Snow Gods and even if there were, why the heck would they listen to me.


Lost 'em.

I've been brave and gone back online to have another bash at the family tree. Still hitting those brick walls - it's like my Great Great Grandad didn't really exist....

Early bed though - have sinus-y headache back again and not at my best. James is up and down - determined that he is going to school tomorrow, but is definitely not functioning at full Jimbo capacity.

Made Doc's appointment - next Tuesday - see if we can get my left knee sorted.

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