Aye, son.....

back in the olden days, before we had computers, and sky television, and mobile phones, and t'interweb, we used to play games.

However, I don't remember ever giving my parents the same run for their money that you do when you play me at chess!

We had to have the electricity supply off for about half an hour tonight whilst the electricity-magician (not corin, I assure you) came round to connect our solar panel system into the generator meter.

James was unphased - we lit the living room with a pile of candles and James got the chess board out. We played two games, the second was played in normal light when the power was returned. In both games I actually thought he had me, but I managed to out-think him on the first game. The second game ended up as a stalemate.

We all know the best way to resolve a stalemate, right?

Yep - rock, paper, scissors.

So it ended up a draw - 1 game each. Was fun.

Today was strange - productive meetings, strange with no children in school, but staffing would not have permitted it today.

I have man flu. It's worse than bird flu. However, I have good drugs for it, including benzocaine spray for my throat. Yum yum, it makes me go numb.

I discovered tonight the one bit of parenthood I don't like - the bit where I have to retrieve spiders from James' room. I'm not keen on them myself!

Bed soon - full day tomorrow with Parent's evening on top of it. Hoping I get to sleep tonight - it's blowing a real howler of a gale here...never sleep well when the weather is like this.

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