All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

My cheeky wee monkey!

Poor wee Ethan was up at 2am absolutely howling. It was a real "somethings up" cry so I went to check him - bad, bad nappy needing attention. One clean bum and lots of cuddles on the rocking chair later, he finally went back to sleep. However, it took mummy 2 hours to get back to sleep herself! Still, he slept till 7.45am so not too bad.

Have had some really bad nappies from him today though and his bum is red raw. Everyone is saying "teething?" to me. Well, he got his first 2 teeth 3 months ago and no sign of any more since so perhaps something is happening at long last in those top gums.

I even chanced putting him down in his cot for a morning nap and he slept for 40 minutes - yay! After he woke up, I was hoovering the living room when he crawled over to the sofa as he had spotted the baby monitor on there. He hauled himself up on his feet (he does this at any given opportunity now) and had a whale of a time playing with it. He has started pulling this silly grin from time to time which makes me laugh and I'm glad I managed to capture it on camera today as it only lasts a few seconds!

Went to his swimming class this afternoon which he was a wee star at and he loved it. The swimming instructor even said he's not far away from graduating to the toddlers class so when we sign up for another batch of classes starting in January need to decide whether to do a few more baby classes before swapping to toddlers or whether to go straight to toddlers.

Unfortunately the day went downhill after that. I nipped over to The Centre after swimming and he fell asleep in his pushchair. Of course he woke up when I transferred him into the car 10 minutes later to go home and even though he was clearly exhausted he wouldn't sleep after that. My ex-colleague Mary came round to visit late afternoon and had the joys of an overtired and very grumpy Ethan.

Still, he went to bed without a fuss tonight even though hubbie was making a racket outside his bedroom as he fitted the top stair gate. I thought the cats might be a bit put out by the new gate but they can squeeze underneath it - phew!

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