All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Giggles and tickles

I thought I might have had a grumpy Ethan day today. It started off fine but went downhill when he refused to let me get him undresed, then refused to let me put a nappy on him and ended up pee-ing all over his legs and feet! At that point he asked to go in the bath though and he splashed around happily for ages. Strange doing a morning bath - haven't done that for him for a while.

We then had his weekly swimming class. It was his regular teacher again this week and again Ethan did really well. He was trying to kick lots again today, was reaching out for the toys without panicking he was letting go of my hands, and we both really enjoyed the whole class. I might keep him in this age group class when I sign up for the next batch as it seems to be going well now, even though it's the stage above what he should be in.

After that we drove into Edinburgh to visit my sister-in-law Emma. I was taking over more of Ethan's baby clothes for her baby bump. Ethan was asleep when we got there and wasn't himself when I took him in. I was concerned he was just going to snuggle up to me and not move from the sofa our whole visit, but before too long he was charging around the place with his 2 elder cousins, Ellen & Isla-Rose.

A trip round Sainsbury's followed on the way home. Hubbie even came in there to look for us on his way back from work as he guessed that's where I'd be when I wasn't answering my phone. Sad that I'm so predictable!

Hubbie and Ethan were having a big tickle and giggle session while I was getting dinner ready. Lovely to hear all the fun and laughter from my "boys"!

Granny & Grandpa arrived just before Ethan's bedtime. He ran up to them and gave them big cuddles when they walked in the door and inevitably his bedtime was then delayed as he didn't want to go to bed at the usual time!

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