All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Yet another day which has flown by!

Had my 32 week scan today - fab to see bubba again and got a cute picture of his/her face. Baby is still head down so hopefully will stay that way. Got another scan in 4 weeks time and consultant will decide then whether or not I need to have a C-section or can try for a "normal" delivery - yikes!

Hubbie and I then went to have a look round a local nursery. Seemed ok to me but I wish I'd taken my sister with me. She's a nursery nurse so would have known all the right questions to ask whereas I was coming out with gems like "do you have any pets in the nursery"!

Even though I was out and about a wee bit today, it was far too miserable to stop and take any photos. Even at the hospital it was a mad dash (or waddle in my case) from the car park into the building. So a cat blip it is then! (Zoe was trying to catch the camera cord while I was taking the photo so that's what she's looking up at).

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