All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Soapy bubbles and runny noses

Poor Ethan is loaded with the cold right now. He had a wee bit of a runny nose yesterday but seemed ok when we put him to bed. However, he woke at 10.30pm and was clearly really upset and choked up, so we ended up bringing him through to our room for a wee while. We did debate having him sleeping in the bed with me whilst hubbie would be turfed out elsewhere, but after giving him some more milk, he did eventually re-settle in his cot. I heard him snuffling and crying out a few times in the night though although he did manage to last out till about 7am before waking properly.

He really hasn't been himself today though and just looked and sounded so miserable. He was clearly knackered, so just before 11am hubbie put him in his cot with me confidently saying "he'll never go to sleep there". After 10 minutes of grumbling he fell asleep! And slept for just over 2 hours! I did check on him a lot as he was doing a lot of groaning and cried a few times, but was obviously doing it in his sleep. He was also sleeping on his tummy which is unusual.

As a result of this mammoth sleep, he had a late lunch. His cold didn't seem to have affected his appetite as he demolished a HUGE bowl of pasta!

We then braved The Centre as hubbie had to buy a birthday pressie for a colleague. I really dislike that place at the weekends in the run up to Christmas - far too busy for my liking. Still, after wandering for a bit, Ethan fell asleep in his pushchair and only woke up when he had to put him back in the car. He was really upset and out of sorts when he woke, didn't eat much dinner, and only really cheered up when I put him in the bath. He's now dosed up on Calpol with the Karvol vaporiser switched on and sleeping (and snuffling) in his cot.

Really hope my wee baby feels better tomorrow.

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