All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

On Monday he ate through one apple ...

... but he was still hungry!

I heard Ethan a lot on the baby monitor during the night last night. Poor wee thing was snuffling, wheezing and letting out wee cries. Having fallen asleep around 7.45pm though he was able to re-settle himself each time and slept through till ... 9am! If I hadn't already known he was under the weather, that mammoth sleep would have proved it to me. I checked up on him quite a few times before I went to bed and after I got up in the morning and each time he was lying on his tummy with his bottom sticking up in the air! Weird position, but perhaps it helped him breathe a bit easier??

When he finally woke up though he was really not a well boy. As well as being choked with the cold he had a rasping cough which was clearly hurting him as he cried after each cough. I phoned the doctors surgery and was told to come along to the open surgery that morning. So off we went, without him even having had any milk or breakfast - I had to feed him his bottle in the waiting room. After an hours wait we saw a GP who checked him, said his chest and throat are fine and that we just have to wait it out as there is nothing he can give him. Ho hum.

Back home again and he seemed a wee bit more cheerful. After giving him his porridge I started doing a bit of housework. He crawled out the kitchen and after a few minutes of quiet, I went to investigate. He was in the dining room, having pulled his favourite book out the bookcase and was busy "reading" it. Bless! We then snuggled up on the sofa and read a few more books together. He was clearly tired so I thought I'd chance putting him down in his cot, not for a minute thinking he'd actually sleep. But he did. For 2 hours - not waking till 2pm!

In that time, the electrician had called out to fix some faulty sockets, I had lunch, got lots of housework done and even managed a cup of tea and read a bit of a magazine. It's amazing the difference having a baby who actually sleeps for a bit can make to your day. I feel quite human today! Just a shame it took a poorly Ethan for us to have a day like that!

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