All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

More trains

I had an at home day today, only planned at the last minute last night when my team leader texted to say work volumes very low at the moment and offering annual leave for today.

It was one of those days where I don't know where the day went. With Ethan at nursery I thought I'd get loads done round the house but although I didn't seem to sit down much, I didn't seem to achieve much either!

As usual, when Ethan got home he had fun with his trainset. The reason for his wet knee is that he has developed a strange habit of putting his knee in his mouth to get the button on his trousers in his mouth - strange child!

He has a bit of a cold right now and a constantly streaming nose, poor wee thing. Just in time for the official nursery photo session tomorrow too!

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