Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Birthday Bamboo & Card

I've received lots of wonderful birthday cards over the years, but this one is on the short list of "Best Ever"! This is the card I found in my campus mailbox on Tuesday afternoon the day before my birthday. Of course I saved it till the night of the 17th to open along with the others that had been arriving. It's from Sarah, one of my former students. Inside the card she wrote a really nice message . . . a gift I will continue to treasure for a long time.

I like opening gifts and cards, but I think I also love just staring at them, savoring and stretching the celebration for as long as I possibly can. When the post person begins delivering cards and packages a few days before the 17th, Mr. Fun just can't even believe that I won't open them the moment they arrive. I save them till the actual day. I have no idea how I learned to do that.

When I was a kid, my parents used to let us open one gift on Christmas Eve. Now days when Mr. Fun wants me to open a gift the day before Christmas, I have to seriously think about it -- it means that I'll have one less to open the next day. So if I haven't confessed previously that I'm definitely weird, then I guess I am confessing that quality now.

The bamboo plant is lovely. It was a gift from my son. I thought that I'd sneak that into today's photo along with the card.

For years I've seen bamboo plants in the stores, but I've never owned one . . . until now. I don't have a winning record with house plants, so wish me success. I'm fascinated by the branch that twirls around another; how does that happen?

The TV weather folks said early this evening we're on "Storm Watch"! We've had an afternoon of rain and the local mountains are getting snow, but I think "Storm Watch" is a little over the top. However, we've got flames in the fireplace, the candles lit, and a hot pot of tea. Earlier our dinner included steamed broccoli and cauliflower and sauteed onions, garlic, and brussel sprouts. I also made a Caesar salad to go with our entree.

So now I better get back to grading some papers.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Mr. Fun has still not seen the photo I blipped last night. ;-)

P.P.S. I promise soon to bring this birthday parade to a finish, but couldn't do it today. I wanted to display the card Sarah gave me and the plant our son gave me.

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