Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Sunset Balmerino

According to the weather man it was to be a bright, dry day, with the best of the weather being in North East Fife - they actually said that "North East Fife" so the plan hatched last night was to get up, make up the flasks and sarnies and head off on one of our treks for the day.

The reality was that we woke to the rain lashing off the ground and it stayed that way till well after noon. Nothing for it but to knock up some soup and reassess the situation. What had not entered my pretty little head was the fact that it was the final of the Grand Prix. Why would it???

I still find it strange to find myself living in a home where males are in the majority. I was brought up in a female dominated home and with my eldest being a girl child and an only child for 15 years until the boy arrived, I am just not used to having to give in to the male being's random need for sport!

So everything was put on hold until the expensive cars had wheeched round for 55 laps.

By that time it was almost 3pm and the best of the day was almost done so we hopped in the car and headed off to Balmerino on the shores of the Tay. A lovely spot with veiws over to Dundee and up to Perthshire. A bimble up and down the water's edge with the hounds and it wasnt too long till the sun started to set. You get a lovely mix of light and shade and the glow of the sun on the water as it sets. Very peaceful and calming :) A world apart from the frenzy which is the world of F1 :)

I know which I prefer!

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