Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Not a good start to the day. A frosty start so popped out to start the car and let it warm up before the drive to work. The car was covered in frost so I hopped in, key in ignition, turned and it fired up and died. Subsequent attempts to start brought nothing.

Cue call to the AA. Some two and a half hours later the man arrived (it was classed as a non priority call...hmmph!) He declared the battery DOA. Which was annoying to say the least as it was new in January and was on a 4 year warranty. Luckily Mr AA had a new one in the van and it was duly fitted and I was able to turn into work just after 11. The faulty battery and warranty will be added to the to do list!

Once the frost had lifted it was a gorgeous bright day and once again some birdlife presented itself at the City Quay where I work. When I was snapping this little fella I though he was the elusive cormorant and I was chuffed to have finally got him on my side of the water.

Looking closely at him now on screen I am not sure that it is. Can anyone positively identify him? He was simply pootling along, whereas the cormorant is more likely to duck and dive for food ferquently.

If its not the cormorant, then he is back on the hit list!!!

Having read back, you can see I am a woman who is fond of my lists - I would be lost without them!

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