Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Guess What :)

A relaxing day of doing pretty much as we pleased in the Life in Fife household. Young master Life in Fife was off to the footie this morning and reported on his return that his team had won 11-2. Result.

The afternoon was put over to trying to put into practice the lessons of last night from Peopletwitcher and pixel8 who patiently explained Aperture priority, shutter speeds, IOSs and F stops amongst other things as we sat agog!! Suddenly the world became a brighter place and the camera was no longer heading for the nearest bin!

Despite the protestations of Him Indoors, young master Life in Fife and no doubt I will also get earache from Peopletwitcher, I have chosen to blip a flower. The world is split in to two camps, and the flower picture is a bit like Marmite I think. Me I love them and I was bereft when the new camera refused to take pictures of them. I think it has now been tamed! This one has also had a little tidying up using some of the tips from Pixel8 last night on the camera software. Not perfect but I had fun :)

A flower picture :D *does happy dance* the world is good again

Now almost time for Strictly and Cava :)

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