This day

By snapper

Earth & Fire

Slow day then off to Lochgoilhead and managed to grab this shot quickly on the way back
On the way there in a hurry as usual I came across some road works, now normally if you are about to hit a ramp you get a sign several yards before the actual ramp yes? well NO! some eejit in the cooncil in their wisdom put the ramp warning sign right at the ramp, consequently I hit it doing about 60 miles an hour and almost lost my fillings ! Bet they thought this was funny!

Stopped at the Loch Fyne Oyster place and grabbed some goodies en route, a great place and who would have predicted that a place such as this in the middle of nowhere would be so good that British Priministers would be having clandestine meetings at it?

All 3 dogs now sneezing like mad and Abbie the youngest coughs like a gooose! Hope this rooten cold of theirs goes away soon and that they dont pass it onto me

Some twat is still setting off fireworks and dogs going bananas! will they ever learn?

Have a good blip time all

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