This day

By snapper

Samba ya bamba

Had to get up early and leave Glasg to get back home to phone the vet. The Lab has been sniffling and sneezing for a few days now and she woke me up this morning trying to be sick.
Got back and phoned the vet who thought she may have swallowed something that may have irritated her throat or that she swallowed grass and a blade has lodged in her nasal passage. Either way they don't want to rush in so we are monitoring her over the weekend. Her appitie is fine and she is perky enough and I don't think its a cold, something in the nose does sound more like it. Heres hoping it works its way out. Vet did say that a blade of grass can sometimes cause this!

Spent the rest of the day drying washing and getting ready for the local lantern parade. All the kids spend a few nights after school making these huge lanterns and they have a big parade through the town ending with a spectacular fireworks display. there was also a samba band and the wee tot in the picture was right in the middle of it all jiving away like there was no tomorrow. Fantastic to watch him.

The Valarian tabbies seem to be working as I have had three good nights sleep but oh boy what dreams! last night it was killer sheep!

Have a good blip sunday all

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