
By Appreciation

More Tea Please

I am so very cross with myself tonight. I had taken this shot earlier and uploaded it from my girl's laptop. It had looked great, When I came to check it out just now on the computer I see what a bad shot it is. Look at the technical details - an ISO of 3200 - what the heck is going on with my brain. Where can I get a new one? Oh please let this temporary madness pass soon. lol

I love this jug, and had to have it so I could pour thick warming custard onto anything and everything. I was then thrilled to receive a matching teapot as a gift. Cups of tea and custard - ye cannae whack it!

Monday, Monday, ah, peace descends and the mess is left. I caught up today with many necessary things. My most impoertant call was to my electrician to see if we can install a cooker in time for Christmas. My existing gas oven has been playing up for some time. It regularly cuts out half way through cooking. How we have survived with it for so long is a mystery. More importantly, its a miracle we haven't caught any food poisoning from under cooked food. Thank heavens. It's best we sort it out soon, as that turkey has many to feed, and the older guests should be spared the risk of food poisoning.

An afternoon of tea and chat with a pal who had spent the morning learning all about aggressive and violent behaviour of the elderly through dementia related disease. Thank goodness I have phoned the electrician, murder and food poisoning on Christmas Day is just a step too far.

Now, who wants custard with their mash tonight?

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