jeni and the beans

By themessymama

The day after...

...the night before.

Glands are up this morning, and then I went for my flu jab. *sigh* Why do I get the feeling next week isn't going to be great?

Most of the day has slipped away today, what with having a look at what is hopefully going to be the new building for our church, getting flu jabbed, having lunch, having naps/watching the rugby... But I managed to get a coat of undercoat on the picturerail in Ben's room, and Steve's managed to get the lights rigged up in the bathroom so we can have a play as to their final positions before the ceiling is finished and they have to get put in properly.

Ben asked for his train to be dug out of the toy basket as we watched Strictly, and he has had a really good time building it and destroying it. He's left it on the floor all lined up beautifully, ready for reconstruction. Am really impressed! He's suddenly got the hang of building, of puzzles, of things that require thought and consideration.

Of course he still has chance to be a basket case, and takes those opportunities whenever he can...

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