Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Justin Bieber Has a Beaver Tail

It seems Liam's classwork/homework has been getting alot of attention for my blips lately...but the kiddo always makes me laugh. Each day the students write a note about something they did during the day and address it to daddy, mommy or whoever they choose. Apparently, this is the most important thing Liam remembered about his day today:

"Dear Daddy,

Today I told Gianna that Justin Bieber has a beaver tail.

Love, Liam"

Here's what I remember about today:
*Worked in Landon's class....craziness with 22 kindergarten kids all needing help with centers.
*Trying to leave the school during the fire drill only to find out my van wouldn't start.
*The group of firefighters that were at the school testing the alarm helped me get my car started again.
*Running home for a couple hours to get things done.
*Working on homework with the kiddos.
*Disappointing them about not being able to go to the pumpkin patch because my stomach decides to take a turn for the worse.
*Making it up to them by renting Karate Kid and snuggling.

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