The Fleet's In

Rather late in the day, his Lordship suggested a short cycle run to let the bikes take the sea air.
We went down to Port Seton where I captured the harbour scene with my little digital camera while his Lordship inspected the toilets.
The East Lothian toilets must be in the 5* category. Without exception they are ultra clean, with toilet paper, soap, hot water and fresh flowers.

There is a saying amongst cyclists that the east Lothian toilets are wonderful but their roads are rubbish. I'm not sure what the bench mark is but it sure isn't the Edinburgh city roads which are appalling with patches and holes, and clutter in the cycle lanes, that's if there any that don't have cars parked in them.

His Lordship developed a slow puncture on the way home, so what was a relaxing ride on the way out, turned into a time trial on the way home in order not to have a completely flat tyre.

This evening I am looking forward to a 50th birthday ceilidh.
With my sore heel, I may well have to sit at the side and admire the energy of those post war baby boom children, but we'll see. There may be some gallant and very strong young man who will whirl me around so that I don't have to put my feet on the ground. Hope springs eternal in the human breast!

His Lordship although invited has declined gracefully as he is allergic to large gatherings. He will be at home in his slippers nodding off while waiting for me to return- I hope.....

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