Edinburgh from East Lothian

With our new bike carrier assembled and fixed to the tow bar, we tested it by driving the bikes to Longniddry, parking, and then saddling up and going for a spin round by Coates , Ballencrieff and Aberlady to the Gosford Bay café.

Unfortunately too many other people had the idea of stopping at this farm shop and when we saw the queue, we re-saddled, but not before buying one beef olive stuffed with a melange of wild boar and apple ( all for me as his Lordship is a vegetarian), and then on the way out, meeting troosers on his way in, almost unrecognisable without his camera.

A cycle back to Longniddry on the coast road afforded this view of Edinburgh across the water, with Cockenzie power Station on the left.

Just as we reached our car, I met Anth hoisting two bikes on to his Mini. Unfortunately, in my surprise at having seen two blippers in the space of half an hour, I forgot to congratulate him on his recent nuptials.

Having been denied our rightful treat at Gosford, we drove along the coast road to Port Seton and sat outside the harbour cafe there demolishing a week's calories in four bites of a Tunnocks caramel wafer. I am absolutely sure that the energy equation was not balanced.

How quick and how easy it is to fall off the food wagon but how pleasurable is the moment.

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