Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Clouds Lift

After 4 days of being cloaked in grey, at around about 3pm the sun made it through. Its amazing how it changes everything. Suddenly everything is lighter, brighter, warmer and more appealing. Ha Rob McIlwee, you got it wrong again. Jake says he wants £1 for every time Rob and his cronies get the forecast wrong. I reckon he would soon be wealthy :)

Not that much to report.

Woke - dark outside
Went to work - sadly depleted in numbers due to annual leave
Saw clients - couple of good potentials which is always a positive
Came home - noticed the sun
Cut the grass - made a mental note to feed the grass, weed the beds and plant bulbs at the weekend
Made tea - a culinary delight (well a ham salad!)

Life on the edge really :) Still what do you expect on a Monday!

Lets hope the rest of the week holds slightly more in the way of interest otherwise I will be gnawing my own leg off by Friday!

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