Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Collie

Just finished listening to the local news. BBC Scotland was doing a piece on the economy and did street interviews with the public in some Scottish town. The question posed was "who is to blame for the state of the economy?" The unanimous response was "banks" or "bankers" This obviously did not suit the point of the piece so the question was then rephrased to take account of the fact that banks were not our elected representitives and then posed again.

It would appear that they then got a headline worthy response. The majority of Scots apparently blame the former labour government. A closer look at the figures reveals 42% of those interviewed blamed labour and 39% the current coalition, surprisingly only 13% blamed the Scottish government :) You have to wonder at the gullibility of some people and also just how gullible do the newsmakers think we are?

I digress :)

The theme for today was Dogs - easy peasy you would think but in reality its like trying to nail jelly to a tree :)

Almost an action shot of Poppy, the 3 and a half year old border collie. Jake thinks she is like the duracell bunny - she never stops and has such a happy, playful disposition. Shame about the OCD :)

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