Time for a walk
49 weeks + 4
Like the rest of the country, it has rained beyond belief for most of the day. We drove to church in absolute pouring rain but Katie was simply hyper to see the cousins. She insisted on repeatedly walking round church for most of the time until the children went to their groups, passing her uncle who was already playing in the band when we arrived, so she'd not seen him yet. She was rather excited.
We had a play at home for most of the day and Katie did her first totally unaided drawing. She went, helped herself to a pen, helped herself to some paper the mothercare catalogue and an envelope, and did a whole load of 'drawing'.
EDIT: I have been informed she has previously done this with Grandad, I didn't realise! She helped herself to his pen from his shirt pocket and drew on some paper... although Grandad says that this today is the first time that she went off and helped herself to both
Eventually, the rain eased off a bit, so I decided we'd venture out. For an onion. I'd decided I was making soup and needed an onion. Katie walked most of the way there again, until the rain came back. We got in to Tesco and it really really heaved it down. Thankfully, it had eased back off by the time we came out, but we reached our street to discover it had flooded. At its deepest, it reached my knees. Needless to say, Katie didn't walk any of the way home
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