My Big Girl
23months 12days
I got beautiful grins this afternoon from Katie - and got this shot too. She looks so grown up and beautiful that it had to be this one for the blip. Because she's been a really big girl today, and I'm very proud of her. She was sad when I left her at nursery, but as always, I stood and listened outside the room for a couple of minutes. She'd stopped crying before the door closed behind me. And the staff said that from then on, she didnt cry once. She still ate the majority of her food in "her corner", and for the snack times, wanted her food, but at lunch time she tried their pasta bolognese. Then at pudding time (ice cream again) they suggested she sit with the others. And she did - on the condition the tweenies puzzle went too. She didnt complain at being put in her chair for a sleep, just let them rock her and she went off very quickly. She did her first piece of display work - an autumn leaves picture, and was very proud when they showed me. But not half as proud as I am for how her day was.
When we got home, we both were ready to go for a walk. We then went to the library. She did a drawing picture with Jean, before we sat and read some stories. She dragged a big cushion round to sit on. She had a nice play on the "rocky dinosaur" - rocking dragon. She's been chattering away today - i love that her sentences are now more proper sentences - she said "My turn on the rocky dinosaur", rather than just "katie rocky dinosaur".
Very proud mummy today, well done little one. xxxx
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