Ups and Downs

17 weeks + 2

Well, today was another on the list of 'toughies', one of those days where you have to do things in life that suck, but are unavoidable.

But it started with a coffee with uncle simon in Scarborough, before we took him home. And he took us to Next to buy Katie some new bibs as she'd sicked on the four that I'd brought with me! He also bought her another hat, just because he liked it (not this hat!)

We then had a very nice visit to see a friend and her baby who is 4 weeks younger than Katie. She did us a yummy lunch before our appointment. Katie got a bit stressed out at our meeting, so we went round for a play and unwind at granny and grandads. It took Katie a long time to settle, but she had some lovely time in her 'inner tube' play nest and Mummy got another meal cooked for her!

This week, Katie has been determined to try stand and support her weight more. And today she was paddling her feet as she was upright! This little lady is itching to be moving... heaven help me!

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