This day

By snapper

Its good to talk!

WELL, after eating the wool off Pipex yesterday, they finally sent an engineer out to the house and no he wasn't from Bombay, Mombassa or Calcutta but was from Inveraray! AFter about an hour of footering about, he put a new line in and then did some stuff out in the street so now we have a phone that rings more than once so no more vaulting over man & dog!

Next job on my list was to sort out the Council tax for my parents home in Glasgow. That took about 5 calls to Glasgow Cooncil to a diffirent person each time, however they were very patient and explained all that needs to be done, no doubt I will now get a deluge of letters from them telling me diffirent things and diffirent amounts!

Slowly finding out more about the occupants of the flats behind the house. Like I said 2 million quid and yes they are all to be occupied by the undersirable tenants of Mid Argyll, at least they will all be housed together and the cops will be able to kill a few birds with the one stone!and all the decent people who had to put up with their nonsense will get releif! Hope they won't bother us too much, so far they have been quiet.

Took doggies a nice long plod so photo of Abbie today

Have a good blip evening all

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