This day

By snapper

Be Happy!

Not if you are behind not one , not two but three humongus lorries carrying decrepit old windmills. Someone with a warped sense of humour has sprayed be happy on the last lorry!
Last week one of these gigantors went off the road past Lochgair as it caught the worse than useless mushy wet grassy verge and plop off it went. They sent a crane to pick it out of the ditch but the load (one windmill) was too heavy so they had first to lift the windmill off the ditched lorry, then the lorry, then plonk the windmill back on the lorry before it went on its merry way.

What I wonder is when we are almost surrounded by the blue stuff (water) why in the name cant they transport these monstors by sea? AFter all they could put them on the boat that leaves Troon empty and comes here to get logs, that way the boat would be full going both ways or is that too much like common sense?

Off to pick up #1 daughter who is home for the weekend. Heres me not going to their crash pad in the big smoke soas to give them their own "space" and what do they do? they come home! Cant win, so much for my quiet weekend
Have a good one all blippeachs

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