On the road again
The travelling seems never ending at the moment. Off to Mr B's folks for lunch, then on the road down to see my folks in Northumberland. Mr B, ever keen to test the road-holding of his new car, spotted a bendy, single track road we'd never been on before. Lots of fun, despite one hairy moment with a car coming too fast towards us around a blind corner. Happily we weren't going fast, and the car's 4 wheel drive meant we could just drive onto the field.
The shot is the Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist centre in Eskdale, and was the only time I persuaded Mr B to let me stop. The route really was beautiful: a series of bleak moors and beautiful remote valleys.
Once at Mam and Dad's there was the usual evening of food and wine, with the added element being my niece, who was staying for a few days before starting university in Newcastle. Most amusing were Mam's attempts (futile ones) to allow my niece only one glass of wine "But you don't drink wine" she kept saying. (I beg to differ.) I think she'll fit in just fine at uni.
When Mr B poured his second large glass of whisky with Dad, it was my cue to head off to bed: a session was clearly in train and I'd be the one driving in the morning!
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