Purple Haze
Wonderfully sunny day today. Blue skies from dawn until (almost - see later) dusk. Slightly dozy morning for me, after a ludicrously unnecessary late night. I was just checking some half remembered fact from the Data Protection Act (which I used to have to deal with a lot in practice) and got a bit sidetracked. I used to quite enjoy the academic aspect of law. Actually I mostly enjoyed the client-facing stuff too. (So why don't I want to go back to work? Sometimes I confuse even myself.)
Anyway, as I say, I was immersed in some appendices, and before I knew it I was working through the last 7 years of data protection law in Europe.... and it was 2am.
I know that's not interesting to anyone else really. But when I shock myself with weirdness I feel a need to share.
So, after a rejuvinating spicy soup for lunch from Mr B and a big hit of ginger beer I was all set for a walk. The beach was lovely - but the weather was so warm that I was overdressed in a t-shirt. So once Katherine was released from school, we dressed down, and headed back to the beach for sandcastle building, paddling and digging (kids) and lazing about reading (me).
The stage looked set for an immaculate sunset and I was loathe to leave the beach. But, kids have to be fed on more than a couple of polos I found in the bottom of my camera bag, so we headed home. Mr B volunteered to take over (well, I say volunteered.... let's just say that a long, sad face can get a lot done) so I headed back to the beach for some sunset shots. Somehow the clouds had descended from Fife and there was no sunset. I had my ND filters with me though, so wandered off to look for somewhere good to try that out. A few nice shots, and learned a lot, but once again ended up distracted... this time ending up stuck out on some slippery rocks after dark and a very long walk back to the car....
Early night tonight I think. And tomorrow I will focus. I have already written my list of jobs - what can go wrong?
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